Thursday, February 27, 2020

Unity Tutorial 05

Unity Tutorial 05

Hello all!

This week in Unity Tutorials is all about adding coding to your players.


To make the characters that we had added previously to move, it required a bit of coding. To do this coding was done in Visual Studio. Following the tutorial was easy. It went over how to get assets and it was all convenient.

When coding I struggeled with getting the script to work with some assists, such as the character. For some reason there may be something in my code that I may have inputted wrong. I went back to check, however I could not find the solution. I did ask for help of someone to see where I could have made any errors. fortunately they were able to fix it. It was due to the fact that my PlayerController file was placed in the wrong folder. I somehow created two copies of this player controller file in Unity, therefor I had to go back through my folders, to find the second script and to delete it. After this my code started to work properly and then I could move around my character like in the Unity Tutorial.

Over all its a nice tutorial, however it would be nice if they could mention these errors that you could potentially run into.

Thank you all for reading
Please leave any comments if you feel there is something I could improve on.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Unity Tutorial 04

Unity Tutorial

Hello everyone, For this weeks tutorial I will be discussing Player positioning.

Player Positioning

For this weeks lab, I followed another tutorial by Unity, that they created. This tutorial was on player positioning.

I had to start a new project. From then on I followed the tutorial. It was not anything too difficult. There was some nice features as downloading assets and having a look at what there was to offer.

The unity template is straight forward. The actual positioning is not difficult at all. It is mainly down to personal preference, whether what you want to use and how.

In the tutorial it mainly shows how to input different characters and objects.

To give the characters actions to move around. We first have to add a script. This is done in VisualStudio.

That is all for this week. Thank you for reading.
If you have any comments please leave them, otherwise.
See you all next week

Reading 4

Hello all,

Its Catherine and for this weeks reading, I will be giving my opinions about "Conducting and writing your analysis". 

Image result for writing free images

The first step is to apply thematic analysis. This means as you read text, you must identify the different themes that have been applied. I will be referring to this site. If you are interested I will leave a link to the website.

When writing a review you should consider the theme of the literature. This sets the tone of what your are reading and essentially sets the story.

Image result for Discursive Writing free images
There are different types of writing such as Discursive writing. For example you have three topics, you first need to use your "analysis, synthesis, description, summary, comparison, and critique skills." 
When doing discursive writing, there are certain steps to follow to support your critique.
1)"Start with an argument"
2)"Support the argument using evidence"
3)"Provide sufficient detail"
4)"Avoid repetitive style"

We are working on a book in class. This book is based on the research we have all collaborated on about games design. 
As part of my research, I have chosen the topics of "what is a genre" and also "commonly used challenges".

Thank you all for reading.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Unity Tutorial 02

Unity Tutorial 02

Hello All.

It's Catherine and we are back with another Unity Tutorial. For this week I had picked a Unity series that essentially covers the basics of Unity. These tutorials come from the Unity website.

For these tutorials, I had to install assets from the Unity store that was created by Unity Technologies.      When starting the tutorials, I had trouble with creating files and where to save files. This was due to my account have previous projects saved, causing me to be confused with which file I needed.

In the end, I started the project all over and continued from there.

In this tutorial, I do like how simplified it is. Its nice that each tutorial breaks up the workload. Therefore if something doesn't work you can re-watch exactly what you need.

Here I went over the basics when using the camera. It was pretty straight forward, nothing too complicated. Of course it went over how to customise your Unity workspace, which we have seen with the Jimmy Vegas tutorials last semester.

Thank you for reading. I hope there will be more exciting Unity tutorials in the near future. However these I do personally enjoy more than to watch the Jimmy Vegas tutorials.

Any comments on my progress are much appreciated.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Reading 2

Hello All!

Thank you for re-visiting my blog.

Research Question
Image result for research free images
For this week's the topic of discussion is "formulating a research question." What this topic entails is how to go about making a question to prepare for research. What the key elements are involved when coming up with a research question.

Key Elements
To formulate a research question you must understand who, what when and why you are doing this research. When you put these steps into practice, you will have a better understanding of what you need within your question.
" narrow the scope of your topic by asking who, what, where, when, why questions and focusing on specific aspects you can investigate through your literature review. This will also frame your scope. These questions will identify the intersections and relationships that your literature review can examine."

Once you understand the purpose of your research, its time to create a plan to proceed with your research.
This involves taking note of any words that need more knowledge, use other resources rather than just the internet, for example, visit a library.

During the research, it is the most important to make note of the citations from the sources you review. A citation is an author and date the material is produced by. This is the most important as it separates your work from someone else's work. This is essentially your proof that you did not steal material from another author, rather you just reference their work. When taking phrases it is important to use quotation marks and add a citation showing who the work comes from. You may have noticed in my blogs how I do insert a quote after making a point. This is to back up my understanding and explanation of what I had read. It also contains the link to the article in which I am referring to those who would like to look further look into the topic and also crediting the author for their work.

In conclusion, it is important to research and understands why, how, when, etc you are doing the research. Create a plan for research. Then reference your research.

Thank you all for reading
Feel free to leave any comments 
Let me know how you feel about the topic of Research
Fair wins